Friday, January 23, 2009

Girl Scout Cookie Time

It is that time of year again. Those good old girl scout cookies. I went shopping today and tried on some jeans. Well I can say tried them on but not really, could not get them zipped. I am not to happy with my weight as of right now. So then again I have one of my weakness here GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. My daughter sold these while she was growing up and now my granddaughter is selling them. I can not refuse a girl scout cookie, especially the carmel delights. Well I guess I will put on some more pounds by the looks of things.

It is going to get to cold outside again to get any kind of good walking in. Why is it when we get older it is so hard to get the right kind of motivation to lose those unwanted pounds?
Now lately I have been busy with other things and the weight just seems to be my last concern, until I try on new jeans. Then I get disgusted with the whole thing I refuse to buy the next size.
I better get the motivation to do something--I know eat another delicious Girl Scout Cookie. What the heck they only come out once a year.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Good Morning BlogLand and Our New President

Good Morning to all you bloggers in blogland!! Well now today is the first day of our new President. Lets hope this President will help boost the ecomony and make it so people have decent jobs again. To many people are losing there homes, jobs, families are being torned apart. This recession or depression whatever they call it has to get better sooner than later. The job market is scarce, I opened the paper and looked at it yesterday and there was nothing out there. You used to open the paper and there was job after job, not anymore. I am just Thankful that we still have our home and my husband still has his job. To many people are just pounding the sidewalks day after day and putting out hundreds of resumes and making calls and nothing.

Others are resorting to other means of supporting there families such as turning to crime, most of them are left with no other choice. And that is not what this should come down to. What ever happened to helping your own? We help everyone else in other countries and such. Why can't the government step in and help the American People? Give them shelter, food and a bed to sleep in and feel safe, better yet create jobs!!

I am hoping that things will get better alot sooner than later. I am hoping that our new President will get things rolling as quick as possible.

Way to many people have lost everything already and that is not the way it should have been.

When Is This Cold Spell Going To Break?

I don't know about anybody else but I had enough!! It is just to cold to really enjoy being outdoors unless you are skiing.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Above all fabric-thought this might be of interest

Good Morning all you bloggers in blogland. I thought this might be of interest to some of you. I just posted a link to Above all fabric she has a contest going on. I am going to do some research and hopefully find some more good ones. Everybody loves free stuff, right?

I was busy yesterday listing some of our aprons onto our website Wheels for Christina. If you have a minute why not check it out. We take such pride in our quality of workmanship. We have some aprons for sale in a gourmet shop in Jim Thorpe, Pa known as Alice's Pantry. She is located at 77 Broadway in Jim Thorpe and right now for the winter she is only open Sat and Sun. 11am till 5pm.

This is a quaint little town, especially at Christmas time. They have all the shops decorated and lights on all the trees on Broadway. Train rides with Santa at Christmas time and sleigh rides.

Soon they will have the Saint Patties Day Parade that is such a huge event, people can party all day. Everyone has such a blast all in green hats and beads, mugs, balloons and so much more. Some of the people even have green beer. This is one event you have to go to if you are in the area. Just think this will be here before you know it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Busy Bees Handmade Retro Style Aprons working in this Winter Wonderland

Hi Today I started taking pictures of some of our aprons. I am starting to post them onto our website for sale. This is for a charity and we are hoping to do well with the sales. We have some aprons for sale in a shop in Jim Thorpe Pa known as Alices Pantry 77 Broadway. For the winter hours her store hours are Sat and Sun. only 11 am till 5pm. Be sure to visit this great shop she carries gourment foods along with aprons for Wheels for Christina.

How is everyone doing with this cold spell? It is just so cold our furnace seems to be running constantly. I can not wait till it starts to warm up some. I have some pictures from that ice storm we had.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Winter WonderLand In NEPA

Well here it is Jan. 7, 2009 and all the schools are canceled. The roads are a mess the trees are hanging. The ice is so thick on the trees, I wish I would of had my camera with when we went into Hazleton. Some of the roads were just a perfect picture with the ice on the trees. I got a picture this afternoon of our walk way out in front of our house. Some of the roads were one great big ice skating rink. You can not do to much outdoors on a day like today, unless you love to ice skate. So I spent my days indoors not doing much of anything. I have some aprons I can finish sewing, that will be my project when I am done here. Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable day. Till next time!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

``Busy Bees`` A little bit about me.

Today is Sunday and it is cold outside!! I can not wait until it starts to warm up. I love the picture of the bee, my husband took this picture out in front of our house. This is just so beautiful and amazing what the eye can catch on camera. I am sitting here in front of my computer down in my basement. I am trying to decide if I want to remain here and play on the computer for awhile or go upstairs and get something done. I baked some banana nut bread yesterday and ate it warm right out of the oven. That was a first for me and I did not like it warm. I will have to sit here someday and put some of my favorite recipes on here. I love to bake and sew and crochet hats and scarves and afghans and blankets. I had entered some things into the Bloomsburg Fair last year. This was the first time ever and I won second place for a blanket I had crocheted for our bed. My husband was so proud of me, he has been after me for several years to enter something into the fair. The year before I missed out because my babygirl was in the hospital. I will have to take some pictures of this afghan and place them on here. I still have the ribbon and the check with it, still in the bag. I did not cash the check I held onto it as a reward. I have so much to share with each and everyone of you. I just need to sit down one day and put my thoughts here. My life has been a roller coaster and will continue to do so.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

No Title