Friday, January 23, 2009

Girl Scout Cookie Time

It is that time of year again. Those good old girl scout cookies. I went shopping today and tried on some jeans. Well I can say tried them on but not really, could not get them zipped. I am not to happy with my weight as of right now. So then again I have one of my weakness here GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. My daughter sold these while she was growing up and now my granddaughter is selling them. I can not refuse a girl scout cookie, especially the carmel delights. Well I guess I will put on some more pounds by the looks of things.

It is going to get to cold outside again to get any kind of good walking in. Why is it when we get older it is so hard to get the right kind of motivation to lose those unwanted pounds?
Now lately I have been busy with other things and the weight just seems to be my last concern, until I try on new jeans. Then I get disgusted with the whole thing I refuse to buy the next size.
I better get the motivation to do something--I know eat another delicious Girl Scout Cookie. What the heck they only come out once a year.


The Retired One said...

OOOOH. Those Caramel Delights are my favorite too. I hate mint, so never liked those...
but lately no Girl Scouts have knocked on our door. Must be too cold in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to out. Hope it doesn't mean that there are less girlscouts. I know that adult service oganizations are having a problem getting others to join.
Thanks for good memories of when my girls were selling the cookies. I remember my car trunk being full and having to drive them up blocks so they could deliver them too.

Mary Anne Drury said...

Hi Donna !! (neighbor! ... for real!) I meant to stop by sooner to say "Hi" and thanks for visiting my blog ! .... and I can't wait until I have some time to get over to see your aprons for sale in the Douglas HOuse ... right? (is it the shop on the first floor towards the back? ... even though I live on the East side, and my hubby is the big cheese at The Inn, I don't get over town to wander and shop too often .... and when I do, it seems like there are all kinds of new shops and the ones I knew before are gone.)

.... and, I hear ya , sister on those dang pounds just showing up and sticking around without knowing when or how they got there! NOT FAIR !!

Sara said...

My favorite are the carmel delights. My husband adn I have a friend who sells girl scout cookies, so this year we bought one box each. When there gone, there gone and that's it:)

Gladys said...

Aww.. it's so nice to have those GirlScouts cookies! We don't have any of that in Malaysia. And I totally understand what you mean. I'm in need of some motivations to get myself fit too. It's Chinese New Year right now, and there're countless cookie jars at home. Temptations everywhere! Hahaha.. Will have to start working out asap! :P

Nice blog you have here by the way - blog hopped here. Keep it up! :)

*Do notify me if you ever drop by my blog! So that I can say HI too.

God bless!