Sunday, January 4, 2009

``Busy Bees`` A little bit about me.

Today is Sunday and it is cold outside!! I can not wait until it starts to warm up. I love the picture of the bee, my husband took this picture out in front of our house. This is just so beautiful and amazing what the eye can catch on camera. I am sitting here in front of my computer down in my basement. I am trying to decide if I want to remain here and play on the computer for awhile or go upstairs and get something done. I baked some banana nut bread yesterday and ate it warm right out of the oven. That was a first for me and I did not like it warm. I will have to sit here someday and put some of my favorite recipes on here. I love to bake and sew and crochet hats and scarves and afghans and blankets. I had entered some things into the Bloomsburg Fair last year. This was the first time ever and I won second place for a blanket I had crocheted for our bed. My husband was so proud of me, he has been after me for several years to enter something into the fair. The year before I missed out because my babygirl was in the hospital. I will have to take some pictures of this afghan and place them on here. I still have the ribbon and the check with it, still in the bag. I did not cash the check I held onto it as a reward. I have so much to share with each and everyone of you. I just need to sit down one day and put my thoughts here. My life has been a roller coaster and will continue to do so.