****Busy Bees****
Monday, August 9, 2010
It's Been Awhile
Hello Blogland! It has been some time since I have been here, actually forgot I had this. Just started another blog yesterday as a matter of fact for the same WFC. Here it is wfcbusybees.blogspot.com/ I also have some esty shops http://www.etsy.com/shop/WFCBusyBees and http://www.etsy.com/shop/APRONSINSTYLE always listing new things. It has been a very hot summer not to much getting done outside. Did lots of housework this past week, can't wait for it to start cooling off. Hope to keep both of these blogs going for now. Well I will be back later....
barbeque aprons,
esty store
Monday, July 20, 2009
I Love Lucy
Good Afternoon Bloggers!! I just posted some videos of I Love Lucy!! She is my all time favorite. Hope you enjoy her as much as I do.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Aprons Aprons and more Aprons Handmade with love
We have handmade aprons for sale on our web site www.wheelsforchristina.com on our store page or visit Alice's Pantry in Jim Thorpe in the Douglas House at 77 Broadway. We have barbaque aprons for men and women, retro style aprons full and half for women and we have childrens aprons. All of our aprons are 100% cotton and made with love right here in Pennsylvania. They do come from a smoke and pet free home.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Rained Out at The Hill Climb
So sorry to say we were rained out at the Weatherly Hill Climb today. We are hoping that Sunday brings a better day.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Weatherly Hillclimb
We will be selling Leiby's handdipped ice cream at the hillclimb this year. Please be sure to stop by and see us June 13th and 14th. Just look for Wheels for Christina at the starting line. We appreciate everyone just stopping by to say hi. Once again we will be set up at the hillclimb with ice cream and maybe some aprons along with rootbeer and coke floats. Weatherly will also be hosting a community wide yard sale along with the hillclimb.
Alice's Pantry,
ice cream,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Just Like Grandma's

I just finished a apron and Pat also has one done. We listed them on our esty store page. What do you think? I love them. We have been busy sewing our little hearts out. I also put some Beautiful Aprons in Alice's Pantry in Jim Thorpe. We just love making these aprons they are so pretty when they are complete. It is so cold and windy outside today what a better way to spent our day.
esty store,
retro aprons,
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Morning All In Blogland!!!!

Hello! How is everyone today? It is so cold outside, can't wait till it warms up here in NEPA. I was a little busy last night listing some afghans onto my esty store. I also am trying to get to Jim Thorpe to put some more aprons into Alice's Pantry. But it seems these days she is hard to get in touch with. I am hoping to get them in this weekend. Valentines weekend Jim Thorpe is having a Winter Festival, this is the first that I can recall. I might be wrong so if you are in Jim Thorpe, Pa stop on by Alice's Pantry in the Douglas House and see our aprons.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Girl Scout Cookie Time

It is that time of year again. Those good old girl scout cookies. I went shopping today and tried on some jeans. Well I can say tried them on but not really, could not get them zipped. I am not to happy with my weight as of right now. So then again I have one of my weakness here GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. My daughter sold these while she was growing up and now my granddaughter is selling them. I can not refuse a girl scout cookie, especially the carmel delights. Well I guess I will put on some more pounds by the looks of things.
It is going to get to cold outside again to get any kind of good walking in. Why is it when we get older it is so hard to get the right kind of motivation to lose those unwanted pounds?
Now lately I have been busy with other things and the weight just seems to be my last concern, until I try on new jeans. Then I get disgusted with the whole thing I refuse to buy the next size.
I better get the motivation to do something--I know eat another delicious Girl Scout Cookie. What the heck they only come out once a year.
Carmel Delight,
Girl Scout Cookie,
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